"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Late arvo update

The Duke\'s up near the top of the picture...
The Duke's up near the top of the picture...

Hello Friends,

Decided to go picture-taking in Dee Why this afternoon and afterwards swung by the beach to see if I could get a pic of the conditions.

It was small, but not so small you couldn’t sort of bobble along on ’em. Knee to waist high, I’d call it. Looked a touch bigger down at the south end but if you missed out… you didn’t really miss out. There were a few little waves around the corner at Dee Why beach as well. In fact, there were a couple at the point trying to make do with sets that were practically washing across the rocks.

Swell conditions really haven’t changed much since this morning. It’s still around a metre at 6 seconds from the NE according to the MHL buoy. Seems to be same up and down the coast of NSW too. So, not looking all that fab for tomorrow…

Indeed, I see no reason to re-calibrate my remarks from this morning. Still looks like it’ll be flat for the next three days.

Go well!