"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Hey, that looks like a little wave

Okay, it's just barely big enough to catch, but at least there's something to chase.
Okay, it's just barely big enough to catch, but at least there's something to chase.

Hello Friends,

Nice morning out there and, amazingly, if you’re extra keen there’s a tiny little south bump to be chased. When I grabbed this morning’s snap at around 0730, there were a couple folks snagging tiny ones along the rocks at Dee Why point and at least one person picking up a waist high slider just off the beach.

The windswell is still coming from the southern quarter, but it now has a touch more east to it. Size is around the metre mark and since this time yesterday, the power setting has moved up from a little under 8 seconds to about 9. Not an amazingly fabulous set of numbers, but better than the last few days anyway.

The Bureau’s call is for the current light winds to pick up from the N-NE and to be blowing along at around 15-20 kts by this afternoon. That won’t help this weak little windswell, so the plan is to get out earlier rather than later I’d say.

Tomorrow we’re due to get NW winds of 10-20 kts, and the swell is likely to be smaller again.

Get out there and have yourself some fun!

This morning's MHL data
This morning's MHL data