"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Arvo update: a few tiddlers about

Typical. One of the better of the rare sets goes unridden at Longy.
Typical. One of the better of the rare sets goes unridden at Longy.
Mostly this size and smaller, but you could catch 'em at least.
Mostly this size and smaller, but you could catch
Upper body rotation ahead of a lip bash, Longy late am.
Upper body rotation ahead of a lip bash, Longy late am.

Hello Friends,

Just a quick update to let you know there are in fact little, just surfable things at places that pick up the SSE swell we have in Sydney today. I joined a largeish crew to sample the somewhat inconsistent high tide offerings at Long Reef late this morning. The brothers Psillakis were out and so too was the irrepressible Mr. Matt Grainger of Manly Surf School fame. Needless to say those boys were getting the pick of the pickings in their usual cheerful fashion. I got a couple on my now beat up blue log, so no complaints.

Wind’s now out of the NNE at 15-20 kts or thereabouts, so take that into consideration when you go looking.

(Tech heads may be interested to know that I grabbed the water snaps with an Olympus 1050SW. A reasonably useful bit of kit it is too. Also in my mitts for testing atm is the video shooting DSLR, the Nikon D90.)

Outlook for tomorrow’s RealSurf BBQ is great weather and the usual ordinary surf. I’m gonna try to jam down there for a quick hi (and maybe a wave if possible). I think the forum thread is staying over in the right column, but in case it isn’t, or you’re looking at this with RSS reader, here’s da link.

Go well!