"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

um… sorry…there are waves

1630 and rather attractive at nth Collaroy
1630 and rather attractive at nth Collaroy
South change has now blown in. After discharging various family duties, I was able to finally get down to southy with everybody else. I had maybe half an hour in the water. Long enough to jag a few and to take some pics for ya.
One of the Psillakis bros nails yet another wave.
One of the Psillakis bros nails yet another wave.
Then the south change hit, and the conditions went from near perfect to perfectly awful in a matter of 3 minutes. Oh well, that’s Huey for ya.
From perfection to this in 3 mins
From perfection to this in 3 mins

earlier I wrote….
Heya one and all,

millions out at 1630 and for good reason
millions out at 1630 and for good reason

Just escaped the baking office for a look at the situation. And I see that the spectacular shots from this morning of the Gardens could be taken again… and again… there are zillions of folks in the water, but the waves are peaking and peeling from Northy just about down to Collaroy.

1630 and rather attractive at nth Collaroy
1630 and rather attractive at nth Collaroy

Pick a peak, introduce yourself to the 20 or so people, and then start hunting for something to pull into. 1.5 metres of ENE 7 sec period stuff should not look this good. With luck I’ll get a few more pics later…