"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Beautiful morning and waves too

Hello Friends,

0700: high shutdown percentage, but catchable.
0700: high shutdown percentage, but catchable.

What an absolute corker of a morning. Blue skies, light offshores and best of all some nicely lined up S-SE windswell. Not a bad sort of effort for the first day of summer, Huey.  Sets at Dee Why point aren’t as juicy or as big as the beachy, but the bigger ones are in the chest to shoulder high range for the reasonable size crew. The aforementioned beach break seems to be closing out for the most part, but there are a few head high set waves in the mix, so there are a few folks in having fun with those nice green faces.

The Bureau says that the wind will stay out of the NW but it will build up into the 15-20kt range ahead of a 20-25 kt SE change this evening. Tide’s high around mid-morning, so bear that in mind as you make your calculations. I’m hoping to get out and about for a look later, so I’ll post again if I turn up anything of interest.

The models are still looking fairly ordinary for the week ahead. Basically, where Sydney’s concerned, it’s set to be close to flat through the weekend according to the super computers. Hope they’re proven comprehensively wrong…

Have yourself a top old day!

Good size crew chasing fun little set waves around 0700.
Good size crew chasing fun little set waves around 0700.