"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Postcard from California: up north

Hello Friends,

Been away from net connections for a couple days, hence the silence. Am up in Santa Cruz tonight and thought I’d share a few piccies from yesterday and today. The WNW swell has arrived more or less on schedule and places that were near flat yesterday morning are now head high and bigger on the bomb sets. I got in the water at Natural Bridges State park. It being an unusually warm winter’s day (mid twenties is very weird up here), and a holiday weekend, the population in the water was pretty reasonable. Sets were gradually getting more consistent and the waves definitely have a bit of weight to ’em. After I got out of the 13 degree water, I went down to Steamer Lane and took a few more pictures to share. I’ve added in a few snaps from down the coast at Big Sur and of course from Natural Bridges.

For some bizarre reason, there’s a big gap between the first three pics and all the rest. So you have to scroll down the page…