"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Gallery: Carolines meet the women.

Carolines P-Pass makes for perfect cutty condx for Steph Gilmore (pic: Swilly)
Carolines P-Pass makes for perfect cutty condx for Steph Gilmore (pic: Swilly)

Blundering around the net in my ceaseless search for interesting stuff to share with those of you kind enough to add RealSurf to your visited sites, I came across a beautifully photographed gallery of waves from the Caroline Islands. As you’ll see when you follow the link below, these are pics are on American surf site Surfline, but some of them may be familiar because the story the come from ran in local surf mag ASL.

I vaguely recall seeing this one in the mag, but of course it only had a fraction of the images shown here. The standard of the photography is as high as the surfing. Makes you want to shell out the $400 bucks a day it costs for a trip to the surf resort near the break known as P-Pass in Pohnepei.

A real girls’ own adventure yarn by Jessi Miley-Dyer accompanies the pin-sharp snaps from the clearly talented Swilly.

Flash gallery of the pics
Link to the story

Bumpf about the Carolines surf camp

Pohnpei (Federated States of Micronesia) on wikipedia

oooh, controversy too!