"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Late wrap: Northy

Hey late evening crew!

Just on dusk, whilst my daughter was at singing lessons, I dodged over to Northy for a quick 20 mins behind the lens. Quality was not outstanding due to the sideshore and general choppiness, and there was quite a crew on it, but I did manage to get a few snaps. Herewith a sample of the more interesting ones. (Naturally there’ll be an entire session gallery posted on my personal site later for anyone who may have been out and who wonders if I got a picture of them… )

20 minutes maximum, but they're going for it anyway.
20 minutes maximum, but they're going for it anyway.
Getting everything squared away for a cover
Getting everything squared away for a cover
Artful hack inflicted on hapless Northy inside section.
Artful hack inflicted on hapless Northy inside section.
White-breasted sea eagle looking for some tucker from above Northy just before Huey dims the houselights on another day.
White-breasted sea eagle looking for some tucker from above Northy just before Huey dims the houselights on another day.
Dying embers of the 11th at Northy.
Dying embers of the 11th at Northy.