"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

A2B4C around Australia ultra marathon charity fundraiser nearly finished

Posted by: goat on August 25th, 2009

Over the $400,000 mark… lets keep it going!

Craig’s blog 24 August 2009:  Up at 3am to start the trek overland to the ACT.  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I started this morning and saw that once again the wind had changed and was now blowing from the north west and directly into my face.  The weather gods are now starting to play mind games with my head.  I must admit that after cycling for an hour into the breeze I was really starting to get frustrated.  I only had a small distance of 85km’s this morning as we have a number of functions in and around the ACT.

My body is definitely ready to finish this week as my legs are still heavy and I still have a cold and irritable throat.  The bottom line is though that I have to still belt out the kilometres as we have engagements to make each day all the way back to Sydney.  I probably only averaged about 25km’s an hour today and the short distance seemed to drag on for hours.

I made the ACT at 11am after some small breaks and then was escorted to Parliament House by the local fire fighters.  We had a number of press turn up at Parliament House where I was met by the Hon Dr Michael Kelly, representing Mr Rudd. 

We then left the ACT and pushed on to the Eagle Hawk Tavern where we were met by the publican, Mark Everson, media, and local residents.  To our delight we received two cheques from the hotel, totalling one thousand dollars.  To add to this, Mark was the kind host to a superb lunch at the tavern.  After leaving the tavern, we were then escorted into Queanbeyan by the local fire brigade who are now hosting a BBQ and conducting a fundraiser in our honour.

I am now glad to say that we are over the $400,000 mark and I have only three big sleeps to go!!!!!!!!



Make your tax deductible donations to Children’s Cancer Institute Australia online here:


Craig has only travelled around Australia under his own steam to raise donations. 

I think we can manage to fill in a form and click the “Submit” button to help push it over the $500,000 mark… J

The Goat


More about Craig and A2B4C here:

