"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Not too flash

Well I woke this morning at 5:30 had a quick look out the window and must admit I was a little bit excited. There was no wind!! I then checked the overnight data at North Head from our good freinds at BOM and for the first time in a long time it showed little overnight wind (compared to recent weeks) as well. So I grabbed a board headed down the beach and although conditions were a touch cleaner it was also very bumpy still and has dropped away in size – hate these short period wind swells. Come on Huey throw us a bone…………its just not fair.  Oh well with nothing on the horizon for the rest of the working week I guess that means I will be catching up on some work. Yuck. Oh well the sun should be out expect a nice day of between 24 & 28  here on te coast. The winds will pick up (surprise surprise) as the day progresses. Enjoy.