"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Midday post: still some around

Hello Friends,

Went for a wave this morning. Started with a scan of the Collaroy-Narra stretch, but was not overly impressed, so wandered by Long Reef to see if anything was going on in the middle of the beach. There was… sorta… but not seeing anything terribly compelling, I carried on southward. To my surprise the point looked about the most interesting option.

It was a mixed bag. Mostly too small for standups, but every now and then a set would turn up with a wave face into the chest to shoulder high range. In between though the best option was a bodyboard. Water’s so warm that it was just a treat being in. Still some evidence of the runoff, but not much. I didn’t see any blue bottles, but one guy I was chatting with said he got pranged on his arm and leg.

On the way home I stopped for a squizz at the Collaroy-Narra stretch from Edgecliff Blvd. Couple bods messing about near the marquesas and a bazillion in up at Northy. Wind was bumping it up at the south end as you can see from the pics, but up the other end I reckon it might not have been too much of a factor.

Swell has faded since this morning and that’s in line with expectations. Could be back to rather small and marginal tomorrow morning.

Go well!