"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Shark Attacks vs. Victim’s Activity

Guess who’s been chomped most frequently by our finny friends? Divers? Swimmers? Surfers?

The charts from  the International Shark Attack File tell the story…

Shark Attacks vs. Victim’s Activity.

From Shark attacks in perspective
Shark attack did not become a subject of particular public interest until the twentieth century. Several factors have contributed to the upswing in public awareness of shark attack during the last sixty years. First and foremost has been the evolution of the press from a parochial to a cosmopolitan news-gathering system that covers a larger portion of the world in a more rapid and comprehensive manner. Increased competition and a shift of journalistic values in certain quarters additionally has contributed to more active searches for “shock” stories, i.e. those that titillate the public and promote sales. Needless to say, an examination of current weekly tabloids confirms that “shark eats man” is a best-selling story line.