"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Winter flatness upon us

Hello Friends,

As foretold by the swell models, we have utter flatness at Dee Why (and everywhere else in Sydney I’ll bet). As my picture from this morning shows, it was so microscopic that you couldn’t see so much as a rime of white around the rocks. It is a lake, plain and simple.

From what the Bureau says and from what the latest run of the models show, we’re not likely to have anything surfable until late tomorrow at the earliest. And even then it’s shaping to be just barely into the catchable range. There seems to be some hope for little waves on Sunday, but if we see waist high, I reckon we’ll be going well.

Outlook beyond that varies among the interpretations of the data, but absent the Goat’s thoughts, it looks to me as though early in the new week we could have a bit more energy…maybe into the chest high range if we’re lucky.

Have yourself a top old day!

Sydney Coastal Waters, Broken Bay to Port Hacking and 60nm seawards:
Friday until midnight: Wind: Westerly 10 to 20 knots decreasing below 15 knots during the morning.Sea: Up to 1.5 metres.Swell: Northeasterly 0.5 metres.
Saturday: Wind: West to southwesterly about 15 knots.Sea: Below 1 metre.Swell: Easterly 0.5 to 1.5 metres.
Sunday: Wind: Westerly 10 to 15 knots tending south to southwesterly up to 10 knots during the afternoon.