"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Swell work Huey, er about that tide…

The south pulse looks to have peaked this afternoon at around the two metre mark with an average period of about 12-13 seconds. The tide seemed to be pretty full even this morning when I went for a splash at Dee Why (and I made the front page too!) with a moderate-size crew. We were seeing waves in the chest to head high range but by the time I got out after 11 there were some more sizable sets rolling in. Problem was the tide was really starting to make it too fat and full. Nevertheless, I couldn’t resist and at about 1400 I turned up at Curly with my camera in the hope of finding something to shoot (it’s been a few weeks since I was last able to go picture taking…). They were very fat and full it has to be said, but there were some solidly overhead sets and people were having a fun time anyway. I’ll post a fresh gallery later…