"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris
dy surfing

Grey and lumpy but surfable if you’re keen

Hello Friends,

Wind was lightly offshore at Dee Why as of 0700. Skies were grey with occasional showers. Swell’s come up as expected, but, also as expected, it’s short period (7-8s) and only about 1.3 metres at sea where it’s coming from the south.
There were a few bods in the water at the point and inside along the beach north from the club at Dee Why. Set wave faces looked to be in the waist to chest plus range It was pretty lumpy but you could surf ’em.
Tide was high at 0515 and will be back to low at 1100. The Bureau says the southerly should build back up into the 15-25 kt range this morning before swinging to a more baleful SE this afternoon. They expect the swell to move from the south to the SE too. There’s some north to NNE wind swell component as well, but I don’t think it’ll be making a very positive contribution.
The wind is expected to fade overnight and tomorrow morning could see similar conditions to now – ie light wind and a lumpy but possibly more SE little wind swell coming in. The grey skies should be clearing away and by afternoon we should have a summery 15-20 kt NEr.
Have yourself a great Friday one and all and stay happy!

dy surfing
Up and riding at the point and along the beach at 0710
dy surfing
Lurching weirdness at the point and another catchable one inside