"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris
North Narrabeen as the wind started to build

Manly and Northy (plus vid)

At 0830 North Steyne looked the goods. Only four people in the water too. Of course you needed to be a very good female surfer to be in the group. High percentage of closeouts along the Manly stretch, but while it was afflicted too, North Steyne had the best waves I would see between Manly and Northy.
Curly was almost unoccupied and looking uninteresting when I drove by about 0845. It was very busy from Dee Why to Longy, but when you watched, you realised they were all hunting some very rare waist-ish sets. When I pulled in for a look at Longy the SEr was kicking in rapidly. There were more waves at that end of the beach, even a few possibles on the bombies, but the surface was chopping up severely. Stopped at Gardens for a gink as well, but the sideshore was making the sketchy, treacherous looking shutdowns looking not at all attractive. Final stop was Northy where you could see the underlying quality of the swell, but it too was falling apart in the onshores. I shot a video minute to share and then headed for home.

female contest surfer
0830 at North Steyne Australian Open of Surfing
north steyne
Just before the sideshores kicked in
north steyne woman surfing
Women in the water for the early heats on Monday
long reef kite
You wouldn’t want to be a mouse or a lizard