"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris
dy point

Minimal options at Dee Why this morning

Hello Friends,

The MHL data was showing conditions broadly similar to yesterday, which is to say the offshore buoy was picking up 1.2 metres of 13-sec ESE swell at 0300. It was pretty hazy when I grabbed the snap, but as of 0700 it certainly didn’t look like there was a metre of surf at Dee Why. I couldn’t see anyone in the water and it looked smaller than yesterday at this time.
Tide is coming into the high at 1055 and the wind call is for NE 15-20 kts later under (warm again) partly cloudy skies.
Comparing the various models to last night’s call from the Goat, I’d say he’s looking pretty much right on – as usual!
Have yourself a great Friday one and all.

dy point
No takers for the early at Dee Why