"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Shire Rpt

Finally, something worth remarking upon. Not an all-time morning, but the bumps are occasionally in the headhigh range and not too badly affected by the SW winds early this morning

Shire Rpt

Plenty of energy and whitewater along the open beach stretch, plus rights and lefts at Shoes too!

Curly/Freshy/other Rpt

Disappointing offering after yesterday. Swell has dropped overnight, skies are grey and the wind from the north is already up and making things rather choppy. My pick would be DY or the Queensy-Manly stretch. Freshwater is the least wind affected, but it’s mobbed and miniscule – and Curly continues to have crappy banks

Curly/Freshy Rpt

Awful and bumpy at Curly, but some neat little peaks running around the corner at Freshwater

Shire Rpt

Small and weak down here too. The mal crew at Elouera have long waits for short rides

Curly/Freshy Rpt

Looks nothing like the past few days now. Barely any left that’s more than chest-high and some loss of power too. So the banks that once worked  now don’t even figure. Curly looks better. Freshy looks worse

Curly/Freshy Rpt

Still size around. Banks at Freshy are better than Curly’s, but also have a big crowd there

Freshy/Curly Rpt

More grey slop, but this time with the added bonus of a southerly wind. I guess we ought to be grateful that it’s not entirely flat though

Curly/Freshy Rpt

It’s glassy – that’s good. It’s also knee-high, weak and overcast – that’s bad

Curly/Freshy Rpt

Not a lot to talk about this morning. Nowt at Curly, and some waist-high sectiony stuff at Freshy