"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

ene swell on the wane, strong offshores

Cracking waves y’day, early signs looks like its dropped a fair bit o’nite. 2-4ft waves out of the ENE with a stiff W wind blowing the backs off ’em. Swell is forecast to ease further so probably best bet to get amongst it earlier than later if you can. Water still warm but plenty of […]

plenty of juice, still a bit of bump in it.

Blue skies, cool offshore and plenty of waves. 3-5ft+ out of the ENE. I reckon its a bit more even and possibly a bit bigger than y’day arvo but still with a fair element of ENE bump making it not quite epic but good fun/interesting. Quite a bit of water moving around and the early […]

2-3ft offshore and not too bad

ENE swell has eased o’nite leaving some not bad looking waves in the 2-3ft range with the odd bigger set, dropping tide, and offshore. WAYWF (what are you waiting for). Rosco.

surfable but not great

a 2-3ft mix of fairly uneven leftover E and new S/SE swell with a touch of extra bumpiness from the o’nite S change. Wind was a lite but cool SW early and forecast to be heading more S as the day wears on. Surfable but nothing too special. Rosco.

new lines out of the S

I’m seeing 1-2ft+ lines out of the S, not materialising into anything too spectacular but looks promising for an increase through the day. Perhaps bigger sets at the S swell magnets. Good condx with a lite but very cool W/SW breeze early, NW now.  Mid morning high tide not a big one but is still […]

not too bad looking

Some ok looking but high tide affected 2-3ft+ waves out of the SE with the wind SW early. Wind looks to be SSE now so set the expectations a lot lower and hope for the best. Rosco.

out with the old ENE in with the new S

ENE swell seems to be mostly all gone, replaced by fairly disorganised 2-3ft+ waves out of the S. Not bad condx early with a SW breeze, but early high tide and the wind forecast to go S not ideal. Probably worth a paddle if you’ve missed out the last week or so, but maybe a […]

looking quite decent

2-3ft+ ENE lines early with a nice SW breeze. Not bad and the forecast looks promising. ASMF tonight at Milton Theatre. Rosco

small again

Not much in the way of surfable waves – but next best thing – check em out on the big screen. ASMF Ulludulla / Milton Theatre | Monday 30th March 8 pm | Locally Presented by Southern Man Surf Shop. On-line bookings available from www.asmf.net.au – One admission: $20 – Group ticket: $70 (group = […]

small again

Not much in the wave dept again today. Maybe the odd surfable wave on a mal or SUP if you got some time to kill. Good condx again early – NE forecast later so maybe something for the small S swell / N wind combos. ASMF Surf Movie Tour – South Coast venue is Milton […]