"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Oh so tiny – but not quite absolutely flat

Out in front of Marquesas it's looking less than imposing.


Knee high set waves are about as good as they get at Norffy.


Set struggles to get into the knee high range.


Hello Friends,

Very small this morning at stretches with east exposure and pretty much flat elsewhere.

We’re set to get increasing N-NE winds as the day unfolds, so your best hope for the late will be those semi-protected northern stretches which may possibly show a tiny and gutless little E-NE wind wave.

The Bureau tells us that the next three days will feature standard issue summer afternoon NE seabreezes. It doesn’t look as though it’ll build up anything significant in the way of windswell (probably because it’s not expected to go too hard), so I’d say we’re stuck with very small to nearly flat prospects over the next three days or so.

According to the models, we could have a south change through the place around Christmas eve. If that transpires there is at least the hope of a slight uptick in surf prospects. Looking at the numbers, I’d be hoping for something or other into the waist to chest high range at exposed spots.

It will all be academic for yours truly will be off to the Barossa for a family Christmas. I’ll stay in touch of course, but my pictures may be somewhat less than illuminating of surf conditions.

Have yourself a top old day!

Tides: H @1153 and L @1839

Sydney Coastal Waters, Broken Bay to Port Hacking and 60nm seawards:
Strong Wind Warning.
Monday until midnight: Wind: N/NE 10/15 knots, increasing to 15/20 knots during the afternoon, 20/25 knots in the evening and possibly reaching 25/30 knots offshore. Sea: about 1 metre, rising to 2 to 3 metres during the afternoon/evening. Swell: SE less than 1 metre. Chance late thunderstorms.
Tuesday: Wind: N/NE 10/15 knots, reaching 15/20 knots at times.Sea: 1 to 2 metres. Swell: E/NE about 1 metre. Isolated afternoon/evening thunderstorms.
Wednesday: Wind: N/NE 10/20 knots, increasing to 20/30 knots during the afternoon/evening.