"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Summertime blues

Hello Friends,

Another beautiful morning in Sydney. But it is summer – and we all know what that means. Yes, microness dominates the picture. The best I saw was a briefly knee high set wave at Dee Why. It must have lasted upwards of 2 seconds. But hey, the water’s warm, it’s a glorious morning, there’s last minute shopping to be made even more last minute… what more do you need?

Since the NE wind’s due to push up into the 20-25 kt range by late, you might be in with a chance at your favourite summer windswell spot in the last couple hours of the day.

The next couple days look good for, well, shopping. There might possibly be a little tiny something left over in the morning along the lines of what we saw today.

At least one riff on the forecast data for Christmas Day is showing a little NE windswell perking up in the afternoon. So, after Chrissy lunch, while the cricket is muttering away on TV and the little ones have descended into the glorious sport of annoying one another, you might be able to slip away for an appointment with Mr Huey…

For my part I shall be confined to enjoying the pleasures of the table and watching our flanneled fools making short work of Pakistan. Yes, ’tis the season for our tribe to spend a week in the Barossa with the rels. Of course I’ll be in touch anyway as I should have plenty of time to examine forecast data and speculate thereon for your very good self.

Have yourself a top old day!

Tides: L @0607, H @1231
Sydney Coastal Waters, Broken Bay to Port Hacking and 60nm seawards:
Tuesday until midnight: Wind: N/NE 15/20 knots, reaching 20/25 knots offshore in the afternoon.Sea: 1 to 2 metres, reaching 2.5 metres offshore in the afternoon. Swell: E/NE about 1 metre. Isolated afternoon/evening thunderstorms.
Wednesday: Wind: Early S/SW change 5/15 knots, tending N/NE 10/20 knots, increasing to 20/30 knots during the afternoon/evening. Sea: 1 to 2 metres rising to 2 to 3 metres later. Swell: E/NE 1 metre.
Thursday: Wind: N/NE 25/35 knots.