"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Smoke and hottest day of the year

Hello Friends,

The Bureau says we’re going to see 41C in Sydney ahead of an afternoon south change. As the pictures show, the atmosphere was dense with smoke haze and unsurprisingly, the Bureau is carrying a POOR air quality alert from the DPIE.  Speaking of which, so far as I can tell, there are no air quality monitoring sites for the Northern Beaches, so we have to guess at what our levels are by looking at the air. I’ve written to Brad Hazzard and Jason Falinski to ask what’s going on. BH’s office has acknowledged the note and have promised to follow up. Jason’s people have been quiet so far. If you have the inclination, I’d suggest raising the issue with them yourself.
Surfwise there are little waves thanks to a 1.3 metre 9-second south swell. If you don’t mind breathing in the equivalent of a packet of gaspers, there are some soft knee to waist high bumps coming in. Tide was low at 0835 and will be back to high at 1450. Beachwatch reports water temps of 20C.
Stay cool, look in on any vulnerable folk you may know and go well.

Soft but surfable bumps at the point
A little activity on the beach before 0700
0645 and the smoke is back. A POOR Air Quality Forecast alert is issued by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) due to forecast elevated particle and ozone levels in Sydney for Thursday 19 December 2019