"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Swell is here

Hello Friends, As expected, the south swell arrived late yesterday. As Wednesday got started, the MHL buoy was showing two metres of 11 second south swell. At Dee Why point, that means sets with wave faces of two metres plus. It’s probably a bit bigger than that along the beach, and I’d guess it’d be […]

South swell for the early

Hello Friends, Swell perked yesterday and is pushing in from the south this morning at about two metres with a juicy 11 second average period. Judging from the wave buoy data coming out of the Batemans Bay and Eden, the current swell settings should continue through to this afternoon. At Dee Why the straight south […]

A few at Longy

Mid-arvo update. Went for a quick wave this morning at Long Reef. The NE’r was kicking in and the swell was fading but not gone. There were a few sets into the head high plus range and one or two with workable sections. And the water was warm. A good way to use a couple […]