"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

The Saturday morning radio report

Hey all, Here for your amusement, my dulcet tones from 702 ABC radio’s weekend show with Mr Simon Marnie at the helm. Clicking the following link will open a little audio player thingy… Don talks surf prospects for today and the week ahead with Simon Marnie.

Well, we have some swell

Hello Friends, As anticipated, we have a little swell this morning thanks to all that wind yesterday. At Dee Why, the point is pretty busy. The sets seem to be smaller and less consistent than over in the beachy, but the latter is getting its share of shutdowns. Biggest set I saw at the point […]

Don on 702 ABC

Today’s surf report on ABC 702 radio Saturday morning surf call by Don on 702 ABC radio’s Weekend Show with Simon Marnie