"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

The Gentleman’s Corner

There’s a dedicated group of retired grommets who wander out at gentleman’s hour and body surf with handplanes all year round in the Queenscliff corner.  I think they are either onto something or just love an excuse for a good ol’ floating yarn. Either way it looks fun and I think I might have to get hold of one this summer and see what all the fuss is about.  Meanwhile I missed a good morning of surf apparently with 2-3ft of East swell rolling in which is now well ruffled by a south wind at my end of the beach.  South corners should still be good though.  I scored Noosa over the last few days and after a few weeks in the Maldives as well I’m still surf arrogant so excuse me if I’m not as surf positive pumped as I normally would be.

Mark – Surfboards Direct

No such thing as a drop in here

The Grey Planers

Better waves down there somewhere

Ruffled but rideable