"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris
dy point

Micro Sunday morning

Hello Friends,

Back in Sydney again and is it ever flat this morning. I couldn’t see a hint of a wave at Dee Why when I checked for the first time at around 0700. Perfect weather though.
At 0600 the MHL buoy was registering about half a metre of 8-second SSE swell. Their model is predicting closer to 10 seconds at a metre for later today, so maybe we’re looking at the low point energywise this morning. That said, I don’t expect it’ll be into the catchable range at too many spots today.
Monday afternoon looks like a slightly better possibility while Tues-Thursday isn’t shaping up too well, but thereafter the models are generally showing a run of fun-size south energy from about Friday to mid next week. Wind however could be a problem – some models are showing lots of southerlies early next week…
Ah well, as always we shall see what we see, so have yourself a fine old Sunday one and all!

dy point
Not a skerrick, not a ripple at 0715
bluefin point
A day for boating about