"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Woohoo! Little fun looking waves for Sunday morning at Dee Why

Hello Friends, What a nice looking morning down at Dee Why. Shame I can’t join the growing crowd. Gotta do the radio thing with Simon Marnie and Dr. Rip at about 1010 or so on 702 ABC. Sets seemed to be nudging into the chest high category when I checked around 0830. Plus it was […]

Wind? East of course!

Hello Friends, Swell’s dropped a little overnight, but that east wind is still knocking the wind swell over. So if you want a wave, you’ll need to be pretty junk-tolerant – ’cause that’s all there is. Sets are maybe waist to chest at Dee Why as the tide was dropping to the low around 0930. […]

Greyness and gloom

    Hello Friends, My first morning to do weekday surf reports on 702 ABC and what do we have? Grey skies and SE winds with almost no swell. Oh dear. To the extent there is anything, our windswell this morning is about a metre and a bit from the SE at a weak 7 […]