"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Editor’s picks for 30 Oct 2008

Kicking off with some link suggestions that have come in over the last few days (Avoca Boardriders, Samoa, Lennox longboarders, kitesurfing) along with a pointer to some fresh Butts shots on the forums. Also in this post, Broad Bench in the UK, South Taiwan

Dylan from Avoca boardriders sends us a link to the site with the following comment: “Avoca Boardriders Avoca Beach’s long running boardriding club. We meet monthly for competitions and have a lot of fun being who we are.” The site’s clean and gets the job done. I liked the vid!  Check out Avoca Boardriders.

George (who files reports from his surf resort most weeks) volunteers his site for your amusement, adding “A great comprehensive web site featuring Sa’Moana Resort in Samoa. All the gen on what we’re about, what we do, what we offer, current and archived surf reports and heaps of pixs.” He speaks the truth, does George. I’d recommend having a squizz at the vid posted on the front page. Gives you an idea of how the waves look with regular people surfing them (glassy, fun size, not too intimidating looking), you have to go in about 3 minutes to find the surfin.

George also tips us about another club site, this time it’s for the Lennox Longboarders. Again, while it’s going to be most interesting to the people who belong to the group, the photo gallery has a fair few nice surfin’ shots mixed in with the happy snaps. Water looks nice…

Dee Why reporter and kiting fanatic Rob props his very excellent kiting site, kitesurfing.com.au (good score on the domain name front Rob). He modestly describes the site thusly: “Sydney area kitesurfing conditions forecast, report and photos.” I recommend it for the fantastic shots he gets from putting the camera up at the kite so that it shoots back down the lines toward him. There are some poster worthy shots in that lot.

Anyone who visits the site regularly or trawls around our forums, will know the mighty Butts. He started shooting surf pictures in a serious way fairly recently, and his quality is now right up there with the other top shooters. As far as I know he hasn’t organised a web site yet, but when he does, it should be a good one. To get a feel for the quality of his work, check out this picture-laden forum post he put up earlier this week.

Okay, wandering a bit further afield, I bookmarked this site awhile ago. It’s about surfing in south Taiwan and the little QuickTime video on the front page has definite curiousity value. Looks like it could get fun there on the right day…

CAUSE: Every year, some surf spots around the world are threatened in one way or another. In the case of Broad Bench in southern England, it’s a case of the military keeping surfers out of what the Access Broad Beach Association claim to be one of the country’s best spots. The photo gallery gives you an idea of how good it can get, and then maybe you can sign their online petition!