"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Grey, cool, messy

1445: south swell making its presence felt.
1445: south swell making its presence felt.
1445: little wave carries numerous riders on its mighty shoulder.
1445: little wave carries numerous riders on its mighty shoulder.

Hello Friends,

0715: pretty ordinary, but if you're keen...
0715: pretty ordinary, but if you

Warm and sunny yesterday, dull, grey and cool today. NW yesterday, 15-20 kts of southerly this morning. Dee Why probably is as representative as anywhere of south corner conditions. As you can see from the picture, it’s not flat, but nor is it terribly clean. In fact, I’d say it’s pretty junky. Still, there are a few hardy specimans getting in amongst it, and good on ’em.

Turning to the MHL buoy for Sydney, and it’s showing straight south swell of around 3 metres at a respectable 9 seconds.  Wind is out of the south at 15-20 kts. From the look of the other buoy data, Sydney’s the biggest region of the lot – both on size and period.

General outlook is for the swell to maybe build a little more today before peaking and then backing off. The wind is set to push along at about the current speed through this afternoon but it should start to ease toward evening and tomorrow we’re set down to have variable winds early, tending around to the NE later. Cracking it at your fave south swell spot early Wednesday looks like it could be a plan. Personally, I’m leaving today to the super keen.

As is our tradition around here, I’ll be putting up a tipping poll for the Cup. Methinks I might put up one for the US prez race as well…

Have yourself a top old day!