"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Are Great White sharks calamari fans?

Fascinating new research give insight into why Great Whites don’t seem to bother (much) with feeding in shallow waters. Thanks to the stoke report for the lead to this article that appeared in the LA Times. Here’s a teaser…

The shift began eight years ago with the surprising discovery that great white sharks migrate, somewhat as humpback whales do. That and subsequent studies have demolished the iconic image of great whites lurking in relative shallows, ready to snatch an errant swimmer, as popularized in the movie “Jaws.”

Instead, they obey set migration patterns, have distinct populations and return to the same locales. They are not desperadoes but dutiful migrants: Nomads but not outlaws, they yearn for home.

But this new understanding raised a question: Why would an animal so large, that grows teeth as humans grow hair, bother to go so far when it can dine on just about anything in fin's reach? The migration is especially puzzling because it means sharks miss out on coastal food supplies, said the University of Hawaii's Kevin Weng, who also tracked sharks' migration.

via Leviathans may battle in remote depths – latimes.com.