"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris
Lennox Head

Postcards from Lennox and Boulder

After posting this morning’s pics, we got in at seven mile more or less out in front of the pub if you know the place. Swell’d definitely perked overnight and about every 10 minutes we’d see a long, lined up set. For the most part they were in the chest to shoulder high range, but there were some head and a bit bombs too. You had to find the corners, but when they came together with the light offshores, well, it was smiles all around.
On the way out of town, I stopped to grab a snap or two of Lennox and Boulder for you…
Stopping at Cresco again tonight, so who knows, maybe we’ll get one last taste of the north coast — if we’re lucky.

Lennox Head
See ya later Lennox and thanks for the waves
lennox head
30 people in the water at Lennox chasing options at the top of the point
Lennox Head
Lennox Head at midday
boulder beach surfer
Lining one up at Boulder around 1300