"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Down another cog but still a few about

Hello Friends, Following the trend set firmly in place yesterday, this morning sees conditions distinctly smaller again. The swell’s fading away, but this morning’s first shift was still picking up the odd chest high wave face up the beach and the occasional waist high little runner along the rocks at the point. As of 0700 […]

Still some energy around

Hello Friends, As of 0500 the MHL buoy off Sydney was recording a combo 1.5 metres of 13 second E swell and short period SE wind swell. As of 0830 the surface conditions were still fairly glassy as we the tide was dropping toward the low at 1145. As the pictures show, set wave faces […]

Glassy early and a little line or two

Hello Friends, Smooth surface conditions to start, with about 1.5 metres of 9 second period SE wind swell delivering a few modest opportunities for a small number of punters at Dee Why as Thursday kicked off. Set wave faces looked to be in the waist high range at both the beach and the point. It […]

Monday with little waves – early

Hello Friends, Swell’s faded since its peak around midday yesterday. It’s still out of the S-SSE at around 1-5 metres and as of 0300 the average period was hanging in there at close to 13 seconds. I reckon it’s dropped a little since that data was recorded from the MHL buoy. The biggest sets looked […]

Saturday morning with waves

Hello Friends, Pretty spring morning with an incoming tide and a fading SE wind swell. At 0500 the MHL buoy was picking up about 1.5 metres of 8.5 second ESE-SE wind swell. When I checked it around 0630, there were occasional waist to chest plus wave faces to be had from south to north Narrabeen. […]

Fun all day

Hello Friends Okay, it wasn’t perfect or anything, but at least there was SE windswell all day and the wind didn’t get too out of hand. I got a few waves at Dee Why point, but given the swell direction, it was far from the only place with something worth the effort. Mostly it was […]

Bit of a perk evident

Hello Friends, Another la nina morning in Sydney, ie grey skies and 90% chance of a shower. As foretold by the models, the swell has bumped up a bit and as Wednesday got started it was a couple metres at sea from the SE with an average period of around 8 seconds. I needed to […]

Fading but not gone

Hello Friends, Clean surface conditions this morning as yesterday’s south pulse backs off along Sydney’s beaches. If your favourite stretch of sand doesn’t like straight south, there’s no need to bother. If it does, you’re looking at mostly waist high with the odd sneaker into the chest high range. The trendlines are pointing downward, so […]

Hooray, little waves and sunshine this morning

Hello Friends, It’s not booming, but at least there’s a little SE swell bumping up on various banks around the place. For the most part it looks to be in the waist high range, but there would be the odd bigger one in the mix too. Swell at sea is around 9 seconds apart and […]

Sunny morning and little waves about in Sydney

Hello Friends, Good to see some sunshine this morning along with a more easterly swell direction. Again, it’s not big, but some peaks are getting into the chest high range at optimally exposed locations. I had to wait around to grab the snaps, so expect to have a bit of a chat between the little […]