"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Up a bit, but not a lot

Hello Friends, Hello Friends, Swell has perked up quite a bit since yesterday morning – but that just means it’s into the waist high range. For early risers that turned out to be a good thing because the wind was still offshore. However, as I write this, it looks as though the wind is swinging […]

Rainy start to Tuesday

Hello Friends, Hmmm. Let’s see… this morning starts out with rain and S-SSW winds of 10-20kts. Out at sea off Sydney, the MHL waverider buoy is showing a couple metres of south swell at about 7 seconds apart.  The Bureau says things aren’t going to get better for us either because the wind is set […]

Gloomy old morning along the beaches

Hello Friends, Errrrrrrr…..Crash!….tinkle… there goes our swell in Sydney. It’s still a couple metres from the south out at the MHL buoy, but Huey’s dialled the power setting back down to wind swell weakness of around 7 seconds. Add in a steady 15 kts of SSE wind and lowering grey skies and you have all […]