"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Localism: LA style

Following on from our story yesterday on localism and the idea of the Commons, I came across what purports to be The Rules for surfing in LA on a site called wanderus.com. It’s called Knowing the Unspoken Rules of Surfing in Los Angeles

Here’s a taste:

3. Nobody Cares How Much Money You Have or What Car You Drive

Money talks at The Ivy. And Spago. And wherever else the monied class chooses to congregate. Money means nothing in the water. Waves cannot be bought. Respect cannot be paid for. Your surfing and behavior speak for themselves. That $70,000 car that you arrived at the break in could be a $70,000 car with waxed windows and flattened tires by the time you and your superior attitude emerge from the water. Remember, your position on the surfing totem pole remains the same whether you are rich or poor.

(The short version is: learn the rules, obey the pecking order, be patient and work your way up,  stay out of the way, squatters rights apply, don’t stare, respect women surfers, look after your gear, pick up rubbish.)

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