"Stay happy and you'll be perfectly fine" - Jack Norris

Extra tinyness with that tinyness?

Hello Friends,

Running behind with my contribution this morning. Wish it was because I’d been surfing. Sadly, we have a classic little (we hope!) winter-style flat spell. We have west to WNW winds and a very small, just about straight south swell. That combo will be delivering next to nothing at most places. You might spot a very tiny peak at a stretch of beach with straight south exposure. But I wouldn’t be counting on finding anything.

There’s quite an intense low deep in the Tasman at the moment, but from the look of the charts, it may not end up slinging much our way because the dominant fetch won’t get pointed in our general direction for long. When I say “much” I mean big swell of the sort we had last week. It should definitely be fun size and surfable from the middle part of the day tomorrow. How big? Hmmm… waist to chest with the odd shoulder high set at places facing south?

So, what has the Bureau to say?

Good day for a walk along the beach.
Good day for a walk along the beach.

Sydney Coastal Waters, Broken Bay to Port Hacking and 60nm seawards:
Monday until midnight: Wind: W/NW 20/25 knots at first, easing to 18/23 knots by the afternoon.Sea: about 2 metres abating to 1 to 2 metres. Swell: S/SW about 1 metre increasing to 2 metres during the day.
Tuesday: Wind: W/SW 20/30 knots.Sea: 2 to 3 metres. Swell: S about 2 metres.
Wednesday: Wind: SW/NW 10/15 knots.

Go well!